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Unit 7- Discussion 1_Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development

Unit 7- Discussion 1_Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development

Q Are Kelman and Collins talking about the same thing? o How would the forms of influence described above (compliance, identification, and internalization) resonate with Collins as he describes how organizations move from good to great? Collins, for instance, sees bureaucracy as inherently damaging. Does that mean he would think that influence based on compliance is wrong-headed? o Discuss the similarities and differences among ideas about influence as they apply in an organization of your choice (educational, corporate, governmental, or non-governmental).

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After reviewing the text, it can be said that there is quite a difference between the concepts of Kelman and Colin on the view that how the companies are moving from good to great and both have some valid reasons to it. I would like to say that as Kelman's concepts of behavior explained communication is based on different areas of performing and the leader is more on focus while on the other hand, Colin’s ideas involved the individuals more for performing the tasks. It was based on motivating and also focused on providing the individuals the potential to perform well.